Exactly what it says on the tin, folks! Are you looking for castmates? Is there someone you would sacrifice a newborn babe on the night of the full moon to have at Mayfield? This is your chance to make it happen! This post is for you to brag about why your canon is THE BEST ONE EVER, why people should be
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So as many of us are probably already aware, the prom log has hit 4k comments and still counting, making the whole thing huge and quite painful to load for people with slower systems no screw that I just tried this goes for EVERYONE. So what's this post for
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It's now time for the most important part of pre-Prom madness: voting for Prom King and Queen!But before we do that offically, I want to make sure what I am planning makes any sense at all. How does I LJ game
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It's been a while since we've had a meme like this and because it seems like more than a few people (myself included) are having a bit of trouble getting certain characters more active or finding things for them to do, I think this would be a good method of both solving those problems and developing new CR.
hngh, I've been meaning to post this for quite a while now, but I went away and then some rl issues came up and I kept putting it off, but weeks late is better than never, right?
Okay, so this isn't really a meme, just something I kinda thought would be neat and fun for the players. Is there a castmate you've just been dying to have in Mayfield? Someone special from your character's home canon that you just know would produce all sorts of amazing and awesome CR? Maybe someone you've been holding onto a rarely-played
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